Generally, an order can be canceled if it has not yet shipped. Thus, you will usually have about 48 hours to cancel an order. However, orders for some larger items, such as furniture and bicycles, cannot be canceled if they have already been packed at the warehouse and the delivery truck has been scheduled for pickup, or a shipping label has already been created. Please consider carefully prior to placing such orders, knowing that you may not be able to cancel.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return it to us at any time within 7-30 days of its delivery, depending on the vendor (see chart below). You will need to ship the item back to us at your own cost, and we will refund the merchandise value, subject to the restocking fee charged by different vendors (see chart below). If you return an item, the shipping cost for sending the item to you (if any) will also be deducted from your total refund amount.Any item returned, even if never having been received, that was paid with a debit, credit or prepaid card will be charged a 2.5% credit card processing fee.
All returns must be made in the original packaging in like-new condition. Items in used condition will not be accepted; if damaged, soiled, or visibly used, the item will be deemed non-returnable and no refund will be issued.
Return credits will be issued within 15 business days once the item is received and inspected. In case of questions, please write to us at “xxxxx” to confirm the policy. Our refund rate is extremely low and we work with the customer in every one of these rare cases.
XXXX Furniture brand
Other Brands/Vendors
If you receive a broken/damaged item, this damage was most likely caused during shipment, as we thoroughly inspect all merchandise before it leaves our warehouse. If any damage should occur during transit, we will open a Damage Claim with the shipping company. But we can help you only if you follow these steps
(Please read carefully)